Biden Administration’s New Immigration Policies

The Article below was published in Vol. 136, Issue 8 of the Lake Forest College Stentor on April 30, 2021.
Lia Fiffles ’24
Staff Writer
Since taking office, President Biden has worked to create a more modern approach to immigration, but with it has come with mixed reactions.
The funding and construction for the border wall was put on hold, and uniting separated families has been made a priority. Biden is working to create a system for undocumented individuals to gain temporary citizenship that will allow them to apply for green cards after certain security measures are taken; improved employment verification is in the works to help prohibit the labor laws being broken by employers as well.
In addition, border control is a controversial topic that has been in constant scrutiny because of the multiple border crises that have taken place, which have led to mistreatment of those being detained. Current border control resources are being enhanced to create a more modern approach to identifying narcotics through every port of entry, and the bill will put funding toward training and education to establish and promote professionalism among the officers employed. These propositions presented in the bill have not all been put into action, but steps have been taken to allow more individuals and families across the border.
It is apparent that this administration wants a border that allows for these families and individuals to cross, but one that adheres to U.S. law. U.S. citizens have had mixed reactions since the Biden administration has started handling immigration, and a good number are showing their disapproval for it; this pertains to the risks that are involved with allowing immigration. Many fear the illegality of how some individuals gain access across the border and what they are bringing with them. There is a concern for narcotics being brought in, which is an obvious issue pertaining to immigration, and a belief that the wall that was being built would help prevent these breaches in security measures.
The Biden administration is approaching the issues of immigration in a way they believe will ensure the security measures being taken and the U.S. law upheld, but also acknowledging the fact that the United States is a country of immigrants. This approach allows for the U.S. to maintain a commitment toward humanity while simultaneously enforcing the U.S. law. Immigration as an issue should be examined from the source. Attaining the knowledge of why these individuals and families decide to immigrate can help develop the process that allows them to do so safely and legally. Establishing connections with foundations and differing countries can assist in addressing the sources of migration and the role it plays in these economies. Immigration must be approached from a bi-partisan point of view, just like any other issue pertaining to politics, if there is going to be long-lasting sustained growth.